Child & Teen Therapy
Child and Teen Therapy is a space for children and teens to explore their inner world, experiences, emotions and behaviours. Through the integration Art Therapy, Play-Based Therapy, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Somatic Approaches and Mindfulness, I support children and teens gain deeper insights into their challenges, cultivate new insights and enhance their skills to support their overall health and wellness.
Therapy for children and teens often starts with an appointment with parents/guardian. During this initial session, we will discuss the concerns that are bringing your family to therapy and we work together to identify the unique goals to support your child. During this initial appointment we will also discuss parent and family role during therapy and how to prepare your child for therapy.
Child Therapy can support with challenges including:
Grief | Loss
Stress | Anxiety | Worries
Irritability | Anger Outbursts
Parent-Child Relationship | Attachment
Adjustment to Illness | Chronic Health Concerns
Life Transitions | Change
Medical Trauma